Saturday, January 26, 2013

Moved to Facebook

I had found since joining Facebook I have neglected my blog, so I Have moved my blog to Facebook, just search Warm Blooded Runner. I have been posting more often since moving there. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

80 laps in the LU Hanger

I had commited to running one day a week (Wed) inside in order to get climatized to the heat in Florida. Carol has so kindly joined me for as many indoor runs as she could , misery loves company.
This past Wed we ran 10 miles around in circles (80 laps) at LU. Kathy joined us for the last 12 which was so shocking to see her show up after her workout with Dan.
This week Carol was assigned the job of lap keeper on her Garmin, it does help though if you can see the tinsy tiny numbers on the screen, poor Carol I made fun of her in a friendly way the whole time.
When we were finished it really felt good, we had clipped along and ran 10 miles in 1:46 which is AWESOME!
Even after running like that inside I tend to feel it in my legs but not this time it was the perfect run inside. It didn't don on me until I got home, how quickly we ran that 10 miles and didn't even notice.
Next week might not be so wonderful I'll milk this one until at least next Wed, when we do it all over again!

20 Mile Run to Rosslyn

Last weekend was the big 20 mile run of the Goofy Challenge training, and oh what some sleep and decent weather will do for you. The week before Lynda and I ran 16 miles and it felt like 30 miles. I had worked that weekend and the weather was wet and winding and cold. This past weekend though was awesome, Lynda and I ran from Fresh Air Experience 10 miles out to Rosslyn Village and back again, and it was a great run. I have this problem with my nose bleeding from blowing it, I always have a runny nose when running, I say that it is my brain crying (from running)and when I don't listen it resorts to bleeding instead. It started to bleed at the beginning of the run and then halfway. So I ran with Kleenex shoved up my nose.
When we had gotten out to Rosslyn I thought that we could sneak up on Kathys house and take our picture in front of her place and then facebook it after to see if she noticed where we were, but she drove by us and stopped to chat.
We arrived back to Fresh Air and felt awesome. Ready for race day, nothing better then to share it with a great run buddy.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Goofy Training Continues.

This weekend was a challenging back to back running combination. On Saturday I ran 8.5 miles with Stephanie which was a great run, I had overdressed as I was deceived by the frost that was on the car in the morning, it looked colder out then it actually was.
8.5 miles later and we are both still smiling.

Sunday I ran with Carol and Lynda and we had to run 18 miles. Carol joined us for 13 miles which was a nice way of splitting up the miles. The last 2 miles were tough. 
Lynda and I made it back to my house where we met the paparazzi. 
18.3 miles later!!
(a little extra just for fun)

After sitting on the stairs I didn't think I would get back up again.

Step down week next weekend. 
Train on......53 days to Disney's Goofy Challenge!!! 

Thunder Bay Metre Eaters

I haven`t posted in awhile but the Goofy training continues which I will post about in a different post. I just wanted to share this, I and three other Metre Eaters Dave and Robin have been nominated for Metre Eater of the Year, I was so excited when I heard this, the other candidates have some pretty heavy duty resumes when it comes to running and volunteering in the running community. We voted the other night at the Metre eaters meeting and won`t find out until January who got the title.
Sherry one of my fellow runners who was on the committee that handles the voting process wrote a biography about me which I would just like to share, I really enjoyed what she wrote ( I`m a geek, is it bad to like to hear about yourself). Enjoy.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Goofy Training

This morning I headed out to run 13 miles as per the Goofy schedule, the back to back runs are going very well thus far.
I went from my house to Boulevard and around Boulevard and so on and so on, when I was at Boulevard I got a bleeding nose and this is what I then looked like from that point on....

Yeah I am a Treasure!!

I bought a new pair of winter running pants yesterday and they are amazing, they have the wind panel on the front of the legs and the wind panel on the bum part of the pants, yes I said the bum part, there are not to many pants that have that panel on the back. I was thrilled with my purchase. 

1/2 baked Half Marathon

I love these kinds of events, groups of people coming out and enjoying a great day together, no pressure.

The ladies that organize this event are amazing, it really must take allot of work and they pull it together so well. The only rules of this run are,
1. You start whenever you need to in order to be back at the Kamview Chalet by 1100 am to make it back for breakfast.
2. Have Fun
We started out at 730, pitch dark, and thrilled to be together for this fun run. Alison, Kathy, Stephanie, Carol, Eryn, Mary Ellen, Brenda and Anna. Mary Ellen, Brenda and Anna started at 0900 to walk 1 hour out and 1 hour back. It was awesome.
It was pitch black when we started and this is a picture of Kathy in the dark when we started.

Kathy in the dark.

At each mile marker they posted signs with these great quotes on them, which were fun to read along the way. Last year we had missed the 1 mile marker because it was pitch dark out,  but Kathy scoped it out this year and we did not miss it. 

At mile 5 Stephanie, Alison, and I turned around as we were running 10 miles and Eryn, Carol and Kathy kept going to the half way point as they were running 13.1 miles. 

This is what the half way point looked like (thanks Kathy for taking these pictures). 

We ran into the gang on our way back, and they looked like they were enjoying themselves. Mary Ellen, Brenda and Anna (in her parka, smart girl)

we all made it back safe and sound, congrats to everyone whatever distance they traveled or by whatever means they traveled. What a great for the best part....

Congratulations to Stephanie for 10 miles